The hall is owned by the Stoke Orchard and Tredington Parish Council and is run for them by The Stoke Orchard Hub Ltd (The Hub), a Company Limited by Guarantee (CLG). The Hub employs a centre manager to manage all aspects of running the day to day activities. The Hub management team and centre manager plan and implement activities to ensure the success of the centre, maintain it and develop it to suit the needs of the community. A social club team of volunteers meet regularly to plan and run many activities that occur on the site. Volunteers are always needed to help run events so if you are interested please contact our centre manager using the contact form or call on 07437 533132
The Orchard Stores and Amy's Cafe:-
Team Members- Community Centre manager, staff and volunteers. Our friendly staff run the shop and cafe and are only too pleased to help you find the products you need - and if we don't have it we will try to source it for you.
The Stoke Orchard Hub Ltd:-
Members of the community have formed a company to organise all aspects of running the community centre
Shop Management team:-
Team members- Community Centre Manager, Bookkeeper, Volunteers.
Centre Maintenance Team:-
Team Members- Volunteer members of the community.
Volunteers. We couldn't accomplish our goals without the help of supporters and volunteers. We are always looking for volunteers to help make the community centre a success for Stoke Orchard and Tredington. Please contact our centre manager with any offer of help that you would like to make. We will help you find a way to volunteer that best suit you.